Beverly Quote #1759

Quote from Beverly in Flowers for Barry

Adult Adam: [v.o.] So my mom had us pretend we were something we weren't. And somehow, we were getting away with it.
Beverly: Joe, this kelp casserole was divine. [chuckles] What is your secret?
Mr. Perott: The secret is no salt or spices. Just kelp baked in its own juices.
Beverly: Huh.
Geoff: Very kelp-y.
Erica: You can really taste the ocean.
Adam: The no salt is really coming through.


 ‘Flowers for Barry’ Quotes

Quote from Barry

Barry: How could I ever thank you in a way that doesn't include money or effort?
Virginia Kremp: I'll tell you what, Barry. You can repay me by working here until Charles gets back. I can offer you minimum wage.
Barry: I'll counter with maximum wage.
Virginia Kremp: No.
Barry: I'll take it.

Quote from Geoff

Geoff: Check me out. I'm all geared up to ride Mr. Perott's hog.
Erica: So much to process. Uh, I guess, first, is that my leather jacket?
Geoff: Yeah, and the gloves are my mom's pruning gloves. Bad boys borrow without asking.

Quote from Geoff

Erica: This is a terrible idea. Why are you two helping her?
Adam: She's gonna tell Mr. Perott to give us a ride on the back of his motorcycle.
Geoff: I'm gonna feel the power of a thousand horses between my legs.
Erica: Please never say that again.