Geoff Quote #439

Quote from Geoff in The Better Annie

Geoff: Con? Now, what's really going on here?
Pop-Pop: Fine. You want to know what's going on, friend of my granddaughter?
Geoff: Husband. But, yeah.
Pop-Pop: It's too quiet. There's nobody here, and it's just gonna be me and the sound of my own horrible thoughts.
Geoff: Are you saying that you're gonna miss living at the Goldbergs'?
Pop-Pop: Way to go, Dick Tracy. You solved it.
Geoff: Well, why don't you just tell Beverly that you want to stay?
Pop-Pop: Please, they almost threw a parade when they heard I was leaving.
Geoff: I'm sure if you just explain...
Pop-Pop: Explain nothing. I don't want to grovel like a yutz.


 ‘The Better Annie’ Quotes

Quote from Barry

Pop-Pop: What are you watching anyway that's so important?
Adam: Little House on the Prairie. It's just like the video game Oregon Trail, but with Michael Landon.
Barry: I would've dominated in olden times. I'd tame a buffalo and make fire from dirt.
Adam: Please, you'd be lucky if mountain fever took you. Most likely, you'd be kicked in the head by your own horse.
Barry: Nah. I'd befriend a coyote and ride it to the nearest gold mine.

Quote from Barry

Adult Adam: [v.o.] And thanks to my tutoring and her natural charm, I was hoping she'd be a hit. First up was Barry.
Carmen: [reads card] Um, I love how jacked and Chuck Norris-like your body is.
Barry: What a wonderful and accurate hello. Adam, don't let this one get away.

Quote from Barry

Geoff: Wasn't Erica amazing?
Barry: Totally, that's why we're here. To support her and for no other reason.
[Adam and Barry laugh as Erica walks out in her Daddy Warbucks costume, including a bald cap]
Erica: Geoff, I told you not to bring them here.
Adam: But your performance was so... hairless. [Barry chuckles]
Geoff: Fearless! He said fearless.
Barry: Yep, it was truly bald.
Geoff: Bold! He meant to say bold.
Barry: Like your silly head. [laughs]
Geoff: I really shouldn't have brought you here.
Barry: You blew it again, Geoff.