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Quote from Geoff in The Better Annie

Geoff: Con? Now, what's really going on here?
Pop-Pop: Fine. You want to know what's going on, friend of my granddaughter?
Geoff: Husband. But, yeah.
Pop-Pop: It's too quiet. There's nobody here, and it's just gonna be me and the sound of my own horrible thoughts.
Geoff: Are you saying that you're gonna miss living at the Goldbergs'?
Pop-Pop: Way to go, Dick Tracy. You solved it.
Geoff: Well, why don't you just tell Beverly that you want to stay?
Pop-Pop: Please, they almost threw a parade when they heard I was leaving.
Geoff: I'm sure if you just explain...
Pop-Pop: Explain nothing. I don't want to grovel like a yutz.

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