Adam Quote #1228

Quote from Adam in Love Triangle

Adult Adam: [v.o.] Yep, life is full of surprises. It's the twists and turns that keep the journey exciting, no matter how far you go.
Brea: I missed you.
Adam: Really?
Brea: So much. Virginia's beautiful, but it's way too far away from you.
Adult Adam: [v.o.] In the end, absence does make the heart grow fonder. As it turns out, when you love someone, it's okay to let them go. 'Cause if that love is real, you can always rely on each other.


 ‘Love Triangle’ Quotes

Quote from Pops

Beverly: There's a famous saying... "If you love someone, never set them free."
Pops: That's not the saying. Murray, a little help?
Murray: Nah. Sounds like she's doing a thing.
Pops: Adam, who knows ladies better than me? I'm still scoring left and right. It's honestly too much.
Adam: Ew.
Pops: So much "ew." And how do I get all that sweet ew? Confidence! Let Brea Bee be. You can talk about the future when she gets back.
Adam: I'm going with Pops.
Beverly: Damn it, old man!
Pops: Really? Usually, people just pretend to listen to me and then do whatever they want.
Murray: I don't even do the listening part.
Adam: Pops, I trust you completely. When it comes to dames, you know your stuff.
Pops: [stands up] Look who's back, baby! [groans] I hurt my back.

Quote from Beverly

Beverly: Ooh. Let's practice what you say when you see her, okay? I'll be Brea. [Southern accent] Adam! What in tarnation are you doin' here?
Adam: Why does Brea sound like Delta Burke looking for a husband at a picnic?
Beverly: [normal voice] The South changes people, Schmoo. [Souther accent] My, oh, my, Adam. Is that you?
Adam: Listen, Brea, I really want us to go college close to each other.
Beverly: Mmm.
Adam: In New York. What do you say?
Beverly: That's nice, but a gentleman would have told me sooner to show he cared.
Adam: But I'm saying it now.
Beverly: My life is here now, where we drink sweet tea and race crawdads.
Adam: Race crawdads? How does that work?

Quote from Adam

Beverly: Play along. Brea just dismissed you.
Adam: Fine. [Southern accent] Wait, Brea, my beautiful chicken-fried steak! My love for you could fill a thousand Piggly Wigglys with fried okra and Moon Pies! [normal voice] Aw, I'm not saying the right words.