Barry Quote #398

Quote from Barry in Smother's Day

Adam: Did you guys forget and I'm the only decent child in this family?
Barry: Shut your face-mouth! We have a gift. It's a boat. It's two boats. It's not a boat, but it's way cooler and more expensive.
Erica: We just got to go wrap the awesome thing that we bought you months and months ago.
Barry: We got to go to the toilet together.


 ‘Smother's Day’ Quotes

Quote from Adam

Adam: Come on. Put yourself in my shoes. Think back to when you were a kid You know, pushing a hoop with a stick on the way to the old fishin' hole.
Murray: How old do you think I am?!

Quote from Adam

Adam: Wow! Wasn't that the most amazing movie you've ever seen?
Dave Kim: Eh, a bunch of kids getting accidentally launched into space? That's asking a lot of the audience.
Adam: It wasn't an accident. A small boy befriends a robot who gets a NASA computer to launch them into orbit. It's based on a true story.
Emmy Mirsky: Yeah, you said the same thing about "Mannequin" and "Weekend at Bernie's."

Quote from Murray

Adam: Ohhh! What is this we happened to stumble upon? It's the Gyrotron 2000, which simulates the tumble-spin upon a rocket's re-entry.
Pops: Kiddo, weren't you just talking about Space Camp? What an amazing coincidence!
Murray: Wait. You said you needed sports shoes for the big athletic game. And now that I hear myself say it, I'm an idiot!