Murray Quote #58

Quote from Murray in Call Me When You Get There

Barry: Thanks for being so cool about this. I thought you'd be in the worst mood after the Phillies lost.
Murray: Get out. Lie down. I'm gonna run you over.


 ‘Call Me When You Get There’ Quotes

Quote from Beverly

Murray: Bevy, calm down, okay? Every time our kids leave the house, you assume that they're dead until they prove otherwise. Know that they're smart, responsible kids. Assume that they're alive.
Beverley: That's the stupidest thing you've ever said!

Quote from Beverly

Beverly: And rule number ten, and this is the most important rule, call me when you get there. Always call me when you get there.
Barry: Why do I have to call you when I get there? I'm there. I know I'm there.
Beverly: But I don't know. For all I know, you could be stranded in the middle of nowhere, lying face down in a ditch.

Quote from Murray

Murray: You couldn't have been sitting up in a ditch? Or reclining comfortably in a ditch? No, you had to be face down, exactly like she said! And to think I told your mom you could be trusted, mostly 'cause I wanted to watch the game. But you know what? A small part of me actually thought, "Hey, he's not a complete moron."