Barry Quote #930

Quote from Barry in Animal House

Barry: I'm joining a fraternity.
Erica: Ugh. Why?
Barry: Bros, babes, beer, and boat shoes!
Erica: Classism, hazing, dangerously excessive drinking.
Barry: Yeah, all of those awesome reasons.


 ‘Animal House’ Quotes

Quote from Barry

Erica: What are you doing?
Barry: Tossing out all the things I'd been saving for the day I finally joined a fraternity. Goodbye, pledge paddle. You will never redden the tushies of my friends.
Erica: That's Mom's cheese board.
Barry: Goodbye, togas, the preferred apparel of Greek gods and ghosts.
Erica: Those are my bed sheets.
Barry: Here. Maybe you can find a better home for them.
Erica: I'll probably just continue to use them as sheets.
Barry: Goodbye, beer funnel.
Erica: That's a traffic cone.

Quote from Bill Lewis

Beverly: Well, unlike you, I live in total terror of that day and all the sad and lonely ones that will follow.
Bill Lewis: Been there. After Lainey left, things got dark. I rarely ate, showered, or ventured outside. My hollow shell of a body would crawl out of Lainey's tear-stained bedroom only to answer a phone that wasn't ringing.
Vic: Is this why you didn't bring the nachos?
Bill Lewis: Yeah.

Quote from Erica

Erica: Barry, I'm leaving. All the smirking and popped collars are wigging me out.
Barry: Okay, girl I've never met.
Rick Kentwood: Hi. I'm Beta Zeta president Rick Kentwood.
Erica: Of course you are.
Rick Kentwood: And if you're not busy tomorrow night, you should come by our house. We're hosting a classy get-together.
Erica: "The Get Trashed Bash"? Was "Douche Gala" taken?
Barry: We accept! Me and this mouthy lady stranger will be there.