Erica Quote #1523

Quote from Erica in Flowers for Barry

Adult Adam: [v.o.] While Barry knew how to fix things with Ginzy, Erica knew the only way my mom would feel better was to fix her up.
Beverly: What's all this?
Erica: Just a stack of eligible bachelors interested in meeting you.
Geoff: You're not the only matchmaking yenta in Jenkintown. Your daughter's pretty good at it, too.
Erica: Well, it's easy when the product is such high quality.
Beverly: I don't know what to say.
Erica: Just promise me that you'll always be yourself and that you'll never settle. You're too good for that. Waiting is always worth it.


 ‘Flowers for Barry’ Quotes

Quote from Barry

Barry: How could I ever thank you in a way that doesn't include money or effort?
Virginia Kremp: I'll tell you what, Barry. You can repay me by working here until Charles gets back. I can offer you minimum wage.
Barry: I'll counter with maximum wage.
Virginia Kremp: No.
Barry: I'll take it.

Quote from Geoff

Geoff: Check me out. I'm all geared up to ride Mr. Perott's hog.
Erica: So much to process. Uh, I guess, first, is that my leather jacket?
Geoff: Yeah, and the gloves are my mom's pruning gloves. Bad boys borrow without asking.

Quote from Geoff

Erica: This is a terrible idea. Why are you two helping her?
Adam: She's gonna tell Mr. Perott to give us a ride on the back of his motorcycle.
Geoff: I'm gonna feel the power of a thousand horses between my legs.
Erica: Please never say that again.