Mr. Glascott Quote #132
Quote from Mr. Glascott in DKNY
Mr. Glascott: The city does bring out the worst in us, but great news, I can give you a ride.
Adam: You're going to New York?
Mr. Glascott: It's the annual Prince impersonator competition, "Prince-o-ween"!
Adam: That can't be right.
Mr. Glascott: I didn't come up with it. But I'm gonna dominate it. That's why I'm here. I'm gonna borrow a pair of sparkly purple boots from your mom. She is a generous, big-footed lady.
Adam: She can clomp with the best of 'em.
The Goldbergs Quotes
‘DKNY’ Quotes
Quote from Beverly
Adult Adam: Back in the '80s, my family loved Halloween. The crazy costumes, the treats, the tricks. But since we were all older and had a new baby in the house, this year was on track to be more like any other day.
Beverly: Oh, this Lost Boys movie is entirely too scary. I mean, who in their right mind moves to Northern California?
Adam: Okay, let's just focus on the movie. Blood-sucking immortal creatures of the night are hell-bent on hanging out with high schoolers. It has flaws.
Beverly: I would love to be a vampire. Oh! Staying young with you forever? [chuckles] That is every mother's dream! And I presume every son's.
Adam: Yeah. Dreams. We all have 'em.
Quote from Barry
Barry: The Halloween war is on!
Adam: I know I shouldn't, but... what?
Barry: As you know, the Kremps have placed a family of skeletons on their lawn as a direct challenge to us.
Beverly: I think that's just Ginzy's lame attempt at a playful holiday decoration.
Barry: It is clearly a game of neighborhood one-ups-man ship. I will not allow our family to be out Halloween-ed!
Beverly: I guess we could string some lights together, and, uh... Oh, maybe get one of those giant Hefty bags shaped like a pumpkin that you fill with leaves. So, fun, but you get a chore done.
Barry: I'm talking about celebrating the way Americans are supposed to. With a front-yard deathscape that will haunt children's dreams into adulthood.
Beverly: My sweet boy wants to take the neighbors down by outshining them. [chuckles] I raised you so well.
Barry: I'm your favorite child. Now, to the street to see my handiwork in action!
Quote from Barry
Barry: Let the nightmares begin!
Beverly: [gasps] I love it. Ginzy's sad skeletons are already hanging their heads in shame. [chuckles]
Barry: Undead JTP!
All: [flatly] Undead JTP.
Barry: Whoa, whoa, whoa. You are murderous ice-cream men! Act like it!
Matt: I know it's too late to ask this, but you couldn't have just done this by yourself?
Andy: Yeah, and why aren't you in costume?
Naked Rob: We let him pour raspberry syrup all over us, and that's the question you're asking?