Barry Quote #1527
Quote from Barry in Man of the House
Barry: What a sad tale of woe. How you holding up, fair brother of mine?
Adam: Uh, fine, I guess. What's your angle?
Barry: No angle. Just a friendly face offering his incredibly broad shoulder. Fuh-gicle?
Adam: It's pronounced Fudge-sicle. Again, what's happening right now?
Barry: Your girlfriend moved away. You lost your job. This must be a really hard time for you. Let's workshop these feelings.
Adam: To give you ammo to destroy me?
Barry: To support you.
Adam: Just stop stalling and get to the mean stuff. You know, I suck, I'm a loser, disparaging remarks about my hair, glasses, and lack of athleticism.
Barry: Hey, you don't get to pick the body you're born with. And I just want to help you get back on your extremely flat feet.
The Goldbergs Quotes
‘Man of the House’ Quotes
Quote from Beverly
Beverly: Oh, damn it, I forgot the ice. Ohh. It was the one task Murray used to do when we had people over.
Essie Karp: I'm surprised he did one. [Virginia snickers]
Beverly: And your husband's Bob [bleep] Vila? Show some respect, Essie.
Quote from Beverly
Beverly: I'm the grandma. I know it's confusing 'cause I look so young.
Erica: I think they get it.
Beverly: I made her, and she's making the baby. We're like those Russian nesting dolls, but with real people. [chuckles] And I'm the biggest doll.
Erica: I guess I'm the sad middle doll.
Quote from Beverly
Beverly: It's gonna be the biggest, bestest baby shower of all time.
Erica: Baby shower? But we've already had two of those.
Beverly: And it's all for you.
Erica: It doesn't seem like it's for me.
Beverly: Oh, because it's not. I am talking to your baby. [chuckles] Hello, my yummy in the tummy. You're still cooking in the oven, but when you pop out, I'm gonna be the first person you see, and I'm gonna bring a spoon so I can gobble you up!
Erica: And I'm bringing a delivery room door that locks.
Beverly: Shh, shh, shh. The baby's trying to tell me something. What's that? [gasps] And you're my best friend. [chuckles]