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Quote from Beverly in Man of the House

Beverly: It's gonna be the biggest, bestest baby shower of all time.
Erica: Baby shower? But we've already had two of those.
Beverly: And it's all for you.
Erica: It doesn't seem like it's for me.
Beverly: Oh, because it's not. I am talking to your baby. [chuckles] Hello, my yummy in the tummy. You're still cooking in the oven, but when you pop out, I'm gonna be the first person you see, and I'm gonna bring a spoon so I can gobble you up!
Erica: And I'm bringing a delivery room door that locks.
Beverly: Shh, shh, shh. The baby's trying to tell me something. What's that? [gasps] And you're my best friend. [chuckles]

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