Barry Quote #1443

Quote from Barry in The Downtown Boys

Barry: What do you say? Will you take my hand and join me on this journey of dance-pop success?
Matt: I do need a distraction.
Andy: I mean, the deadline to switch majors isn't till tomorrow.
Naked Rob: Maybe my father will see me struggling and not retire.
Barry: All the right reasons. Hands in! Men4Boyz!
Naked Rob: I'm not saying that.
Matt: Sounds bad on the ear.
Andy: I don't get how you don't hear it.
Barry: To the studio! Come on. Come on, Jean.
Jean Calabasas: None of you can ride with me.


 ‘The Downtown Boys’ Quotes

Quote from Naked Rob

Naked Rob: I, too, am at a crossroads. Um, my dad's retiring. And I always thought, you know, if nothing panned out, I could just follow him into that career, but that door has just been shut.
Barry: You're upset you can no longer manufacture toddler car seats?
Naked Rob: We saved lives. Except for that one model.

Quote from Matt

Matt: I've gone as far as I can go at the Gap. The back-to-school rush used to be exhilarating. But nowadays, it's just like, "Will these kids please stop unfolding the jeans?!"

Quote from Barry

Jean Calabasas: Uh, I guess we're really gonna do this. Two, three, four! [up-tempo music plays over speakers]
Barry: [all sing] # Oh, girl, where are you from # It's super cool that we're both so young #
Naked Rob: # Yeah, girl # I think it'd be groovy # To take you out to an R-rated movie #
Andy: # Hey, girl, there's nobody finer # But I cannot hang with you if you are a minor #
Matt: # Because of my age, certain statutes apply # If you're under 18 , then I'm just not your guy #
Barry: # Yo, girl # Or should I say, young lady # I need to see some I.D., and then we can go crazy #
All: # You gotta be age appropriate # We're boys but also men # Please be age appropriate # And that means 8 plus 10 #
Naked Rob: [baritone Voice] # Or older #
Barry: [rapping] # What's up, girl, or should I call you "madam"? # I know you don't know me, know me from Adam # Adam's my brother, he's 17 # If you're young like him, then you're too green # But if you can vote or buy a gun # Then you and me can have some fun #
All: # You gotta be age appropriate # We're boys who can grow beards # Please be age appropriate # Or else it would be weird # [music ends]