Barry Quote #1372
Quote from Barry in You Only Die Once, or Twice, But Never Three Times
Barry: Enough small talk. I have an emergency announcement. Joanne and I have been dating for a few months, and I finally found her the perfect gift. The gift of me. [British accent] Barry. Barry Bond. [normal voice] Nephew of James Bond and worldly gentleman super-spy and insatiable and acrobatic lover.
Adam: But those words don't describe you. If anything, you're the opposite of James Bond.
Barry: And you're the opposite of the opposite of James Bond.
Dave Kim: So... James Bond?
Barry: Look, I'm not here to discuss how confusing opposites can get, Dave Kim. I'm here to make great art.
The Goldbergs Quotes
‘You Only Die Once, or Twice, But Never Three Times’ Quotes
Quote from Murray
Beverly: You will never guess who I just saw during my power walk/power sit and eat Sbarro at the mall.
Murray: Tip O'Neill?
Beverly: No.
Murray: Mr. Belvedere?
Beverly: TV character.
Murray: Quick Draw McGraw?
Beverly: Cartoon.
Murray: Waldenbooks?
Beverly: That is a store.
Quote from Barry
Adult Adam: [v.o.] And when that didn't work, Joanne had to resort to the final "P"... public humiliation.
Joanne: Whoa! [laughter] Well, this is embarrassing. But also hilarious. Now you can laugh at me and recognize that sometimes things in life are funny.
Barry: I don't see why it's funny to waste all that Hawaiian Punch. Island people worked hard to squeeze tropical sunshine into every drop.
Quote from Adam
Adam: You guys said you'd eat some popcorn if I got the big tub. And now my delicate tummy is upset with all of you.
Brea: We told you not to get it.
Adam: It's only 50 cents more for the rodeo barrel.
Barry: Wait. Adam hasn't praised the movie yet. Why aren't you still clapping and/or demanding to see it again?
Adam: Yeah, it was neat.
Barry: "Neat" is something you say after uncomfortably watching your little brother's performance in The King and I.
Adam: How dare you? One critic said my performance was so inappropriate he couldn't look away.