Adam Quote #1226

Quote from Adam in Love Triangle

Adam: How do I look?
Beverly: If I was a girl your age, I would fall into your arms and never let you go.
Adam: I wish I didn't find that comforting. Here goes nothing.
Beverly: I'll go ready the fog machine, balloons, and confetti.
Adult Adam: [v.o.] This was it. I had my tux, my flowers, and one shot to convince Brea not to move south forever. My mom and I had thought of everything. [Adam grunts as Murray tackles him] Except that.
Adam: Oh, balls!


 ‘Love Triangle’ Quotes

Quote from Pops

Beverly: There's a famous saying... "If you love someone, never set them free."
Pops: That's not the saying. Murray, a little help?
Murray: Nah. Sounds like she's doing a thing.
Pops: Adam, who knows ladies better than me? I'm still scoring left and right. It's honestly too much.
Adam: Ew.
Pops: So much "ew." And how do I get all that sweet ew? Confidence! Let Brea Bee be. You can talk about the future when she gets back.
Adam: I'm going with Pops.
Beverly: Damn it, old man!
Pops: Really? Usually, people just pretend to listen to me and then do whatever they want.
Murray: I don't even do the listening part.
Adam: Pops, I trust you completely. When it comes to dames, you know your stuff.
Pops: [stands up] Look who's back, baby! [groans] I hurt my back.

Quote from Beverly

Beverly: Ooh. Let's practice what you say when you see her, okay? I'll be Brea. [Southern accent] Adam! What in tarnation are you doin' here?
Adam: Why does Brea sound like Delta Burke looking for a husband at a picnic?
Beverly: [normal voice] The South changes people, Schmoo. [Souther accent] My, oh, my, Adam. Is that you?
Adam: Listen, Brea, I really want us to go college close to each other.
Beverly: Mmm.
Adam: In New York. What do you say?
Beverly: That's nice, but a gentleman would have told me sooner to show he cared.
Adam: But I'm saying it now.
Beverly: My life is here now, where we drink sweet tea and race crawdads.
Adam: Race crawdads? How does that work?

Quote from Adam

Beverly: Play along. Brea just dismissed you.
Adam: Fine. [Southern accent] Wait, Brea, my beautiful chicken-fried steak! My love for you could fill a thousand Piggly Wigglys with fried okra and Moon Pies! [normal voice] Aw, I'm not saying the right words.