Adam Quote #940

Quote from Adam in Pretty in Pink

Adult Adam: [v.o.] It's easy to get in our own heads, but then you remember that the best thing you can do for the people you love is just show up. The thing is, life isn't about who we think we're supposed to be or how we're supposed to act. It's about allowing the people we love to bring out the best in us.
Geoff: It's late.
Erica: I'm not going anywhere.
Adult Adam: [v.o.] From life's toughest moments... to the sweetest ones... life can be pretty in any color. Yep, as time goes by, the details get fuzzy, but one thing's never been clearer... It was 1980-something, and it was awesome.


 ‘Pretty in Pink’ Quotes

Quote from Murray

Murray: I think you're more like that one with the Ronald McDonald hair.
Adam: You mean Molly Ringwald?
Murray: Melanie Grizwald.
Adam: Molly. Ringwald.
Murray: I don't hear a difference.
Adam: You should.
Murray: Yeah, well... She just shows up and everything worked out, just like it can for you.
Adam: I don't know, prom already started.
Murray: Didn't stop Mopsy Rainbird.
Adam: Dad, I appreciate it, but life doesn't work out like in the movies.
Murray: Usually not. But every once in a while, you get a movie moment. And whether you do something with it... Well, that's up to you.

Quote from Barry

Barry: No! The Flyers lost! You suck, Ron Hextall! It's okay, Big Tasty. It's just a game.
Geoff: Barry's trying to TEEF himself.
Erica: No way. It can't be done.
Barry: Look at me.
Geoff: Wow. He's really lockin' eyes with himself.
Barry: We've been there before, but this too shall pass.
Geoff: He really feels for himself.
Erica: Yeah, but he needs food to finish the job, and we're out of popcorn.
Barry: It's all kernels! Ugh! Ugh! I hate you, Flyers!
Erica: And... he's learned nothing.

Quote from Geoff

Geoff: Thanks, hon. I needed a break from the hospital. There was a baby in the maternity ward that had a full head of black hair. Like a tiny anchorman. It was very unsettling.