Erica Quote #518

Quote from Erica in Pretty in Pink

Erica: Who says I don't take care of my people, huh? Geoff, for you, it's PayDay!
Geoff: What are you talking about?
Erica: It's like a chocolate bar but without any chocolate.
Geoff: Oh, good. Now I can wish for chocolate and more years with my dad.
Erica: There you go. And Linda, you scored a Skor bar. Different spelling. I'm the best.
Linda: Please, just let me sit here with my thoughts.
Erica: De-nied!


 ‘Pretty in Pink’ Quotes

Quote from Murray

Murray: I think you're more like that one with the Ronald McDonald hair.
Adam: You mean Molly Ringwald?
Murray: Melanie Grizwald.
Adam: Molly. Ringwald.
Murray: I don't hear a difference.
Adam: You should.
Murray: Yeah, well... She just shows up and everything worked out, just like it can for you.
Adam: I don't know, prom already started.
Murray: Didn't stop Mopsy Rainbird.
Adam: Dad, I appreciate it, but life doesn't work out like in the movies.
Murray: Usually not. But every once in a while, you get a movie moment. And whether you do something with it... Well, that's up to you.

Quote from Barry

Barry: No! The Flyers lost! You suck, Ron Hextall! It's okay, Big Tasty. It's just a game.
Geoff: Barry's trying to TEEF himself.
Erica: No way. It can't be done.
Barry: Look at me.
Geoff: Wow. He's really lockin' eyes with himself.
Barry: We've been there before, but this too shall pass.
Geoff: He really feels for himself.
Erica: Yeah, but he needs food to finish the job, and we're out of popcorn.
Barry: It's all kernels! Ugh! Ugh! I hate you, Flyers!
Erica: And... he's learned nothing.

Quote from Geoff

Geoff: Thanks, hon. I needed a break from the hospital. There was a baby in the maternity ward that had a full head of black hair. Like a tiny anchorman. It was very unsettling.