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Quote from Barry in The Better Annie

Adult Adam: [v.o.] With that, Dr. Barry was reporting to the den.
Barry: Hey, respected elder. Do you know where you are right now?
Pop-Pop: Of course I do. A hell of my own making.
Barry: And how many fingers am I holding up?
Pop-Pop: I'll hold up one if you don't get out of my face.
Barry: Interesting answer. Final question... what day is it?
Pop-Pop: How the hell would I know that? Monday, Thursday... they're all exactly the same to me.
Barry: It's worse than I thought.
Pop-Pop: Take off those shirt and pants. I'll wash 'em in the sink.
Barry: Generous offer, I'm just gonna run over here real quick, okay?
Pop-Pop: Well, I'll wash your pants or anyone else's.

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