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Quote from Beverly in Rhinestones and Roses

Jane Bales: So, will I see you all tonight at Rhinestones and Roses?
Beverly: Hold up! You guys go line dancing together?
Linda Schwartz: Well, we invited you.
Essie Karp: But you said you were, you know, too tired from being a grandma.
Beverly: I said that?
Virginia Kremp: Your exact words were, "I'm tired. Being a grandma makes me tired. I'm a tired grandma." Well, when you put as much effort into it as I do, it can be tiring because I am not just a good grandma...
Jane Bales: Oh, God, please say it.
Beverly: I am a great grandma.
Jane Bales: [gasps] There it is. Yes, you are a great, great grandma.
Beverly: Damn it! So much unfortunate word play.
Jane Bales: This has honestly been too perfect. So, good luck with your grays, Granny. I'm gonna get out of Frank's way because God knows he's got his work cut out for him. [chuckles] Bye!

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