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Quote from Erica in DKNY

Geoff: Honey, how long you gonna be?
Erica: Until all the hot water is gone.
Geoff: But I really need to talk to you.
Erica: Geoff, this is the first shower I've had in a week. I need to wash the spit-up, barf, and baby yak off my body.
Geoff: Aren't those the same thing?
Erica: Yes. No. Maybe? Look, I just need to listen to the sound of the water now, please.
Geoff: But your mom refuses to give me a second with Muriel.
Erica: Oh, you mean so we can take quiet showers, and showers with no talking, and shower with no other people in the room?
Geoff: I get it. She's a huge help, which is great for you, but I feel completely cut out of my child's life.
Erica: I don't know what to tell you, homie. Maybe find some time during the day when she's not around?
Geoff: You mean like when your mom's asleep?
Erica: Sure! That seems like an answer that would send you on your way.

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