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Quote from Barry in DKNY

Barry: Barry crisis! The Kremps' skeletons are a bigger hit than my ice-cream truck!
Beverly: So you stole them?
Barry: What choice did I have? The truck frightened no one! In fact, I made a small fortune selling Bomb Pops and Push-Ups. Damn my inviting face!
Beverly: Well, you've always been too handsome. But I have to go. Where are my keys?
Barry: Good news, bad news. Your keys are here, but all your tires are on the ice-cream truck.
Beverly: [inhales deeply] What the [bleep] happened?
Barry: Four simultaneous flats. The less you know the better.
Beverly: Then how am I supposed to get out to the shore to save my grandchild's sensitive cheeks?
Barry: Here. [hands over ice cream van keys]
Beverly: Unbelievable.

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