Quote from Barry in Man of the House
Barry: There you are, sport. It's almost time to wash up for dinner. Adam: Wash up? You once tried to see how many quarters you could fit in your mouth. Barry: 48. And I sure hope you picked up your room like your mother asked you to, sport. Adam: Barry, you and I share the room. And you're the one who started the Doritos fight. Barry: And I almost forgot... I just bought this for you. Thought it might make for some good dinnertime convo. Adam: "Your Changing Body"?! Barry: Don't worry, sport.There are no stupid questions. Mr. Glascott: Especially about sex. That is confusing. Adam: My body has already changed! And stop calling me sport! Barry: They can be so difficult at this age, but that's the job. Come here. [kisses Adam on the forehead] Adam: Oh! Barry: Hey, listen, be home before the street lights come on. Bye, Mr. Glascott.