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Quote from Barry in Flowers for Barry

Virginia Kremp: Hi, Barry. Where's Charles?
Barry: Delaware. Now, pull up a stool, and let's open up to each other about things we fear.
Virginia Kremp: Delaware?
Barry: Yeah, I sent him out for a delivery.
Virginia Kremp: What?
Barry: Now, no one else knows this, but I am terrified of being too successful. [Virginia sighs] Will my future fame and riches intimidate my very average friends?
Virginia Kremp: Barry, I'm sorry. You're fired.
Barry: What?
Virginia Kremp: I'll need your pruning shears and bouquet tape.
Barry: But...
Virginia Kremp: This is just the way it has to be. [takes shears] Why is this so sticky?
Barry: I spilled three separate Slurpees.

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