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Quote from Geoff in The Better Annie

Pop-Pop: Let's get this thing going before my fiber drink kicks in.
Geoff: Let's start with the basics. You've got to be warm. Ask people how their day was, and listen with a smile.
Pop-Pop: I don't think my face can do that.
Geoff: Wow. Your grinning muscles do appear to have withered away, but with practice we can build them up.
Pop-Pop: Fine. I'll muster a smirk. Now, what's next on your stupid list?
Geoff: Assist around the house. Like with laundry and such.
Pop-Pop: I'd rather live alone than touch the older boy's under-drawers. Now get to the next one already.
Geoff: "N", as in never in the way. Like the waiter who slides in to clean the table while you're in the men's room. You don't know he's there, but you're happy he's scraping away your crumbs.
Pop-Pop: So, that's where my table crumbs go? Some bastard's pocketing them?
Geoff: Uh, moving on to compliments... this family thrives on positive attention.
Pop-Pop: Blech. Needy bastards. Isn't it enough to be alive? Guess how many dead people I know.
Geoff: In short, you need to show this family how you WANC. [chuckles] Oh, no. My acronym is accidentally filthy.
Pop-Pop: No. Don't beat yourself up. I'm ready to do your thing and WANC this family, and WANC it but good.

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