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Quote from Erica in Another Turkey in the Trot

Adam: Erica, I'm desperately seeking my Desperately Seeking Susan video and... [Erica turns around as she breast feeds Muriel] Sister parts! I'll come back or not.
Erica: Please, don't go. I could really use some human interaction.
Adam: Seems to me you're having a very intense human interaction.
Erica: Well, I would talk to Geoff, but he's not here. You know where he is?
Adam: Somewhere he's not confronted with the mysteries of the female body?
Erica: The twerp's actually out for a run.
Adam: Good for him, moving his body. Not my bag, but some people swear by it.
Erica: He's training for the Turkey Trot. Living his best life. Meanwhile, I'm cooped up here every morning. [Muriel cooing] Shoot, I lost track. Do you remember which breast she was on when you came in?
Adam: You really can't sense other people's discomfort, can you?

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