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Quote from Beverly in Yippee Ki Yay Melon Farmer

Beverly: Happy Night Two.
Adult Adam: [v.o.] Which added Hanukkah popcorn, a full Hanukkah dessert bar, and Hanukkah cotton candy?
Bill Lewis: Hot Hebrew ham, nothing can beat this.
Barry: Nothing except Night Three.
[cut to:]
Beverly: Happy Night Three.
Adult Adam: [v.o.] Which now had Hanukkah snow cones, Hanukkah pizza buffet, and I guess a Hanukkah casino?
Bill Lewis: Sweet chocolate money, now this is the night of all nights.
Barry: Sounds like a man who hasn't seen Night Four.
[cut to:]
Beverly: Happy Night Four.
Geoff: Look, I'm the rich kid from "Silver Spoons"!
Bill Lewis: I don't care what happens tomorrow night, there's no way to top this.
Barry: You might think that, but we're only halfway through.
Beverly: I'm just gonna close my eyes for a minute, but don't worry. I can still serve.
Geoff: My family's Hanukkah sucks.

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