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Quote from Adam in The Downtown Boys

Adult Adam: [v.o.] And just like that, I was alone in the big city. Which totally wasn't a problem, right after I called my own mommy.
Beverly: [answers phone] Schmoopie, what is it?
Adam: I was robbed by a man with no toes!
Beverly: Oh, no!
Adam: And I saw some ladies through the crack of a door.
Beverly: Oh, no!
Adam: And the magic-show man raised his voice at me.
Beverly: Oh, no!
Adam: The city is awful. Everywhere I go, something drips on me, even when it's not raining. Where's it coming from?
Beverly: Mama's on her way.
Beverly: Poopaloo! The city can't get you now.
Adam: Lock the door! There's a bike in the hall!

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