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Quote from Adam in The Kissing Bandits

Brea: I'm not ready to see you yet.
Adam: I get it. I seem like a scoundrel and a liar, and as much as I want to convince you that I didn't even know the kiss happened... which I didn't... I can't expect you to take my word for it. Brea, meet Allison Horowitz, the girl I kissed at NYU.
Brea: Oh! You brought the girl you kissed to my house?
Allison: Sup?
Adam: Allison is here to explain how meaningless the kiss was. Allison, you have the floor.
Allison: Yeah, it felt like nothing.
Adam: Thank you, Allison.
Allison: Like, either he wasn't into it, or he's just a really bad kisser.
Adam: Wasn't into it.
Allison: Just lifeless and sloppy.
Adam: Okay, we get the gist.

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