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Quote from Beverly in The Kissing Bandits

Beverly: Barry, are you okay?
Barry: No! I'm an idiot. This was supposed to be my big apology for not appreciating our time together.
Beverly: I'm the one who should apologize. I wasn't very nice to Joanne the other night. You must think I'm crazy.
Joanne: Hey, we're all a little crazy when it comes to loving Barry.
Barry: So much for your gift of my twirling body.
Beverly: I think I know what the problem is. You didn't have the right partner. [removes coat to reveal sequined dress]
Barry: Wait. Why are you wearing that?
Beverly: I've been wearing it since the opening ceremonies.
Joanne: Is this the world debut of Goldberg and Goldberg?
Beverly: You better believe it. Let me just put on my skates.
Vic: So you're dating that man?
Joanne: He's my one and only. And there he goes, intertwined with his mom.

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