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Quote from Dave Kim in Alligator Schwartz

Dave Kim: What's up with your face? It's the same smile you had when you fell in that puppy pit in 5th grade.
Adam: There's not a man alive who wouldn't love that many little tongues. And I'm excited about this weekend.
Dave Kim: So you heard about it, too? Mega Twister's finally here.
Adam: Twister? Oh, no, thanks. My mom says that's a gateway game to having babies.
Dave Kim: Mega Twister... the new coaster at White Swan Park. I heard it killed three people in testing.
Adam: As much fun as possibly falling out of the sky in Pittsburgh sounds, I think you're forgetting prom is this Friday.
Dave Kim: I didn't forget. But as I don't have a date, I think you know what that means.
Adam: Is that our friendship pact?
Dave Kim: Indeed. This states that if one of us doesn't have a prom date, the other will stand by him in "lonesome solidarity".
Adam: I was being a boy, not signing a mortgage. And what about Brea?
Dave Kim: You're always going on about how understanding she is. She'll get it. We're gonna eat churros and do a loop-de-loop!

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