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Quote from Barry in Island Time

Waitress: Congratulations, lovebirds. Your complimentary lobster is on the way.
Barry: Complimentary?
Waitress: Of course. You have the honeymoon all‐inclusive package.
Adult Adam: [v.o.] Yep, thanks to Ren, Barry's spring break was about to turn around. There was the fancy dinner and the fancier dessert, even fancy table‐side entertainment. Sure, it wasn't the night Barry imagined, but it was epic.
Ren: And then after years...
Barry: Mm. Years.
Ren: of hinting and waiting and that terrible fight with my mom...
Barry: Mm. We don't talk about that.
Ren: [chuckles] ...he finally popped the question.
Jen: You know, we really have to get together when we're back on the mainland.
Barry: Absolutely, Jen! Me and the wife would love to have you and Tom over to discuss politics or lawnmowers or other boring married stuff. [chuckles]
Jen: Let me get a picture of the two of you for my good old scrapbook. Say "cheese"!
Barry: Chee‐‐ [Ren kisses Barry]
Adult Adam: [v.o.] In that moment, Barry's trip went from a bust to the best ever.
Barry: Spring break!
Ren: Whoo!

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