Will Quote #95

Quote from Will in Someday Your Prince Will be In Effect (Part 1)

Hilary: Please, Daddy, I want my Halloween party to turn out really good. Couldn't you wear, like, a very tailored clown suit or something?
Will: Go on, Uncle Phil. You just throw a hairpiece on and come as Mr. T.


 ‘Someday Your Prince Will be In Effect (Part 1)’ Quotes

Quote from Hilary

Vivian: And, Hilary, keep an eye on your little sister.
Hilary: Don't worry, mom, I see shopping at the mall as an educational experience for Ashley. When I see more and more young people shopping by catalog... Well, don't get me started.

Quote from Will

Carlton: All right, Will. Let the great pick-up contest begin.
Will: Carlton, this is gonna be about as much of a contest as Mike Tyson versus Fred Savage.

Quote from Philip

Vivian: Alright, Philip, I'll see you at the car at 5 o'clock with the costume?
Philip: Oh, geez, Vivian, can't I wear a black robe and go as Thurgood marshal?
Vivian: Come on, Philip, be creative. Surprise me?
Philip: Okay. How about Sandra Day O'Connor?