Will Quote #1348

Quote from Will in Will Steps Out

Carlotta: Will, I don't know why you wanted to see Interview with the Vampire. I get scared so easily.
Will: Well, babe, it wasn't about the movie for me. I just wanted to see you jump. Ha, ha. Girl, you got bounce. Ha-ha-ha.
Carlotta: Ha, ha. You nasty boy.
Will: Oh, how did you know? Hey, listen, you want a soda or something?
Carlotta: Uh, sure. Actually, you know, I was kind of surprised that you called me. Rumor had it that you were off the market.
Will: Oh, well, you know, I'm still hearing offers. Heh. You can, uh, think of tonight as an open house.


 ‘Will Steps Out’ Quotes

Quote from Philip

Philip: You know, Geoffrey, I do believe that of all the holidays Thanksgiving is my favorite. Oh, the yams, the cranberry sauce, the pie and, of course, that big old Butterball.
Geoffrey: Well, you are what you eat.
Philip: [laughs] Did you just call me a big old Butterball?
Geoffrey: Nothing gets past you, sir.
Philip: Ha-ha-ha. You know, Geoffrey, if you're going to comment on my girth you could at least put some thought into it.
Geoffrey: I beg your pardon, sir?
Philip: Well, I mean there are just so many more interesting ways to say it. I mean, you could be poetic. His corpulent flesh rolls around his bones like a thick chocolate pudding. Huh? Or scientific. He is so huge that food comes to him from the gravitational pull alone. Huh? Ha-ha-ha. Or you could be quizzical. Is that your head or is your neck blowing a bubble? You could be ribald, ironic, vaudevillian, whatever. But be creative. You got that?
Geoffrey: Anything you say, sir.
Will: Hey. Hey, what's up? Oh, Uncle Phil. Uh, that elephant that trampled all them people called, he want his butt back.

Quote from Geoffrey

Ashley: Guess what, Geoffrey. We saw Lisa at the grocery store and Will used the L-word.
Geoffrey: "Leather"?
Ashley: No, "love."
Geoffrey: Tomato, tomato.

Quote from Will

Will: Well, well, look who's here, Lisa and friend.
Lisa: Oh, we need paper towels and a can opener.
Dana: Is that fat guy following us?
Lisa: What fat guy? Come on.
Dana: Excuse me, is there some reason why you're following us?
Lisa: Will?
Will: Well, it ain't Fat Albert.