Will Quote #1068

Quote from Will in When You Hit Upon A Star

Will: Greetings from Aspen. Oh, let me tell you, what a night. You open up the hot tub and the neighbors come out. You know what I'm saying? I didn't even mind Bruce and Demi, you know. I really didn't mind Arnold and Maria. But Frank and Kathy Lee came over with that little dude Cody. He was making bubbles in the Jacuzzi without the jets on. You know what I'm saying? Nasty little dude, you know.
Carlton: You have got a lot of nerve, Will. Right, big guy?
Philip: Oh, yeah, right, right. Will, this Maria Shriver... full-figured gal?
Vivian: Philip?


 ‘When You Hit Upon A Star’ Quotes

Quote from Carlton

Will: Relax, squeeky. It's just a dumb old party.
Carlton: You don't look at the big picture, do you? Today, Michelle Michaels, tomorrow, Gloria Estefan. And then, dare I dream, Michael Bolton.

Quote from Geoffrey

Hilary: Look, I'm giving up a hair appointment with Sergei to hang out with Will and his loser friends.
Ashley: Will's friends are not losers.
Jazz: Greetings, y'all.
Philip: Jazz, to what do we owe your presence?
Geoffrey: My guess would be inbreeding.

Quote from Jazz

Jazz: I'm taking care of the entertainment for Will's party.
Philip: Jazz, I've already shelled out for a DJ.
Jazz: Perfect. Now we have music for my stripper.
Vivian: Oh, no, You are not bringing a naked woman into my house.
Jazz: Oh, no, no. You don't understand, Mrs. Banks. She don't come in naked. Uh-oh.
[Vivian grabs Jazz by the collar and then throws him out through the back door]