Will Quote #1067

Quote from Will in When You Hit Upon A Star

Will: This is the best birthday I ever had. I always wanted to try skiing too.
Michelle Michaels: You did great.
Will: Well, yeah. Except for that one run. I'm just glad that the Saint Bernard didn't have to suffer.


 ‘When You Hit Upon A Star’ Quotes

Quote from Carlton

Will: Relax, squeeky. It's just a dumb old party.
Carlton: You don't look at the big picture, do you? Today, Michelle Michaels, tomorrow, Gloria Estefan. And then, dare I dream, Michael Bolton.

Quote from Geoffrey

Hilary: Look, I'm giving up a hair appointment with Sergei to hang out with Will and his loser friends.
Ashley: Will's friends are not losers.
Jazz: Greetings, y'all.
Philip: Jazz, to what do we owe your presence?
Geoffrey: My guess would be inbreeding.

Quote from Jazz

Jazz: I'm taking care of the entertainment for Will's party.
Philip: Jazz, I've already shelled out for a DJ.
Jazz: Perfect. Now we have music for my stripper.
Vivian: Oh, no, You are not bringing a naked woman into my house.
Jazz: Oh, no, no. You don't understand, Mrs. Banks. She don't come in naked. Uh-oh.
[Vivian grabs Jazz by the collar and then throws him out through the back door]