Will Quote #62

Quote from Will in Homeboy, Sweet Homeboy

Ice Tray: This is dope, man. Look at this. Crystal, china dolls, a book. Man, you know people are rich when they got all this stuff they ain't got no use for. "Crime and Punishment". Ooh.
Will: Oh, man, that's just some tired old book Carlton's reading.
Ice Tray: Oh, really? "From the library of Master William Smith." Who's tired now, homey?
Will: Oh, man, they're trying to force us to read that at school. I ain't gonna read it.
Ice Tray: Wait. This is your handwriting. "Intriguing duality?" Ah, same old Prince, man. You know, when I first met you, you was carrying books in a pizza box so nobody knew you were studying.
Will: Yeah, that was cool, till them guys jumped me, trying to steal my pizza. Yo, they was upset.
Ice Tray: You got a good deal here, homey. Don't blow it.


 ‘Homeboy, Sweet Homeboy’ Quotes

Quote from Hilary

Philip: Why do you need $200, Hilary?
Hilary: For books. I'm changing my major.
Vivian: To what?
Hilary: Communications.
Philip: And exactly what does that entail?
Hilary: You know, it's like... You know, it's communications. You know, it's, like, the study of communicating, okay?
Will: Why do you want to major in that?
Hilary: Because I'm good at it.

Quote from Philip

Vivian: This is serious. Hilary wants him to live in our pool house.
Philip: Well, that shouldn't matter to you, Vivian. You're the one who invited Ashtray. In fact, why don't we invite some more of Will's friends out? Let's just put a big neon sign out in front of the house that says "Homeboy Hotel."

Quote from Will

Carlton: So you're also a disadvantaged inner-city youth, I hear.
Ice Tray: Yo, man, what's with him?
Will: It's a tan.