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Just Say Yo

‘Just Say Yo’

Season 3, Episode 19 - Aired February 15, 1993

Will is feeling overwhelmed with school, basketball, his job and his relationship, so he accepts a bottle of amphetamines from a classmate.

Quote from Will

Cindy: Hi, Will.
Will: Cindy. Cindy. Cindy. Girl, anybody ever told you that you got the... [yawns]
Cindy: Thanks, I'll try not to let it go to my head.
Will: Look, sorry, baby. All this running around is kind of catching up to me.
Cindy: Well, you make sure you save some energy for the prom.
Will: Don't you even worry about me, girl. I'm gonna be all right. I'm planning on staying up all night, you know 'cause "all I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom."


Quote from Will

Will: Hmm, my breath ain't stinking, so I'm guessing them ain't Tic Tacs.
John: These will help you stay awake. You've done speed before, right?
Will: No, I didn't, and I didn't think you was living like that, either.
John: I'm into whatever gets the job done. To me, it's just freeze-dried coffee, just in case.
Will: Just in case.

Quote from Will

Will: [sleepy] I just want to thank Bill and Hillary Clinton for inviting me to the inauguration.
Carlton: Will, wake up.
Will: Yo, man, go away.
Carlton: Will, this is the senior prom also known as "guaranteed action night."
Will: Rack 'em up.

Quote from Will

Carlton: You know, Will, if it turns out tonight is the big night, I'm just glad I'll be sharing it with someone who cares about me so deeply.
Will: Yo, man, I'm just sharing a limo with you.
Carlton: I'm talking about my date. She worships the ground I walk on.
Will: Oh, no, man, she's just looking for loose change.

Quote from Will

Will: [imitates siren] Somebody call a cop, 'cause it got to be illegal to look that good.
Cindy: Oh, Will. You look pretty terrific yourself.
Will: Oh, girl, don't hate me 'cause I'm beautiful.

Quote from Carlton

Vivian: Ooh, you kids look great. Come on, let me get a picture.
Carlton: Mom!
Vivian: I know, I'm treating you like a baby.
Carlton: No, shoot me from the other side. I've got a situation on my forehead.

Quote from Will

Cindy: Will. Will.
Will: Hey, girl, what's up?
Cindy: You've been sleeping all night. When are you gonna ask me to dance?
Will: Oh, no, baby, we gonna get down. I'm just waiting for the DJ to throw on something I like.
Cindy: How about "I'm going home"?
Will: Yo, now that's the jam. Tell me when he puts that on.

Quote from Carlton

Vanessa: Oh, Carlton, you were something else.
Will: Carlton, you were somebody else. Man, you all right?
Carlton: [rapidly] I feel great. Even though I was feeling insecure before, I realized it doesn't matter, anyway 'cause beauty's only skin deep. It's what's inside that counts. Vanessa, you drive me wild. I hope this night never ends. Is it just me or are my lips moving really, really fast?

Quote from Will

John: Your cousin's pretty wild. I guess he's got that kind of natural speed thing going.
Will: Yeah, you can say that again.
John: Hey, want me to hook you up with some more of those pills? I'll get you a good price.
Will: Oh, my God. Hey, Carlton. Carlton. Carlton, listen. Something terrible has happened, man. Come on, I gotta get you to the hospital.
Carlton: Why? This is the greatest night of my- [passes out]
Vivian: Carlton. Carlton.
Will: Yo, Carlton, man.

Quote from Philip

Vivian: Honey, are you okay?
Carlton: I think so.
Philip: Oh, thank God. Now, what the hell are you doing with 2,000 milligrams of amphetamines in your stomach?
Carlton: It was an accident. I thought they were vitamin E tablets. I got them from one of the other kids' lockers at school.
Vivian: Carlton, you cannot take unidentified pills.
Philip: It's just plain stupid. If Will hadn't gotten you to the hospital...

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