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Quote from Will in Not, I Barbecue

Carlton: No.
Will: Hey, hey, Carlton. Come on, man. You owe me. You almost wrecked everything with Sandra.
Carlton: I'm not gonna do it.
Will: Oh... [mimics Carlton] "You're not gonna do it." You know what? That's fine. It's probably time for me to move on anyway, you know. As luck would have it, it's come to my attention that there's this cute little mail carrier that's available.
Carlton: You wouldn't.
Will: Yeah, you're right. But that would be exactly what you deserved.
Carlton: Will, I'm sorry and I know I owe you one. But I just wouldn't feel right going out and having a good time without Michelle.
Will: What if I could promise you a terrible time?
Carlton: If I could only be sure.
Will: I guarantee you the worst time that you have ever had in your life.
Carlton: Okay.

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