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Quote from Philip in Courting Disaster

Philip: Okay, you two. What's this all about?
Will: Carlton doesn't want me to use his basketball 'cause he's afraid I might get it in the basket.
Philip: Will you two start acting your age? What I saw on that basketball court tonight was a disgrace.
Carlton: If I'd made that last shot, I'd be the hero right now.
Philip: Carlton, the fact that you missed the shot wasn't a disgrace. You stole the ball from a member of your own team.
Will: Yeah, and if you'd passed it to me, we would've won.
Philip: Oh, you would, huh?
Will: Of course, man, I can make that shot with my eyes closed and one hand tied behind my back.
Philip: Oh, was that gonna be your next trick? 'Cause you were like a one-man circus out there.
Will: Uncle Phil, the coach told the team to pass the ball to me.
Philip: Uh-huh. Did he tell you to woof at the crowd, kiss the cheerleader between plays, and shoot the ball backwards?
Will: No, I came up with all that fly stuff myself.
Philip: That wasn't fly, Will. A real star plays with the team. Maybe you should think about that.

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