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Quote from Will in Whoops, There It Is

Tatyana Ali: You completely messed me up. I looked over and you had this vacant look in your eyes. I remember it.
Karyn Parsons: I was the one that wanted to go home. But don't blame me for you messing up. That was the fifth take.
Tatyana Ali: Me, messing up?
Will Smith: Excuse me.
Tatyana Ali: What?
Will Smith: I'm just trying to figure out why I couldn't put some lipstick on somebody.
Karyn Parsons: What is this thing about lipstick you got going on?
Will Smith: All right. We've known each other for six years. I should be able to put daggone lipstick on you.
Karyn Parsons: You got a lipstick thing going on.
Will Smith: You're disrespecting me in company.
Tatyana Ali: We have known each other for six years. I think it's his turn for lipstick. He's never gotten any.
Karyn Parsons: Have a seat.
Will Smith: Why y'all getting all strong?
Karyn Parsons: His eyebrows need plucking.
Tatyana Ali: Oh, his eyebrows.
Karyn Parsons: Yes.
Will Smith: Don't be tweezing my eyebrows.

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