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Quote from Will in PSAT Pstory

Will: Coach, are you familiar with the sports injury cerebral-spinal-refrictionation?
Coach: [chuckles] Sure, I mean, isn't everyone?
Will: Then you are familiar with how a refrictionation constrains the range of motion of the upper neck?
Coach: Uh, sure, yeah, that's one symptom.
Will: Then you know that a refrictionation is often brought on by some form of stress and it manifests itself in a compulsive craning of the neck. Whoa, Carlton, you look like one's coming on now. You don't happen to be feeling any stress now, do you?
Carlton: No, l. [Will slaps Carlton's head] Yes, I think I feel it coming on.
Coach: Banks, I'm surprised you didn't come to me sooner.
Will: He's probably a little embarrassed, Coach. I mean, as you can see, he looks like a complete idiot.
Coach: Well, that's very true. You know, I think there seems to be just a big misunderstanding here. I could have caught it myself if I hadn't been so involved in the game. Did I say game? I meant the crisis in the Soviet Union. Dr. Thorvald, there is no cheating going on here. This is obviously a case of cerebral-spinal. Whatever he said. You're dismissed, Banks. [blows whistle]
Carlton: Will, you did it. You got me out of cheating. Yes!
Will: No!

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