Jackie Quote #77

Quote from Jackie in Garage Sale

Jackie: Okay, Michael, I want you to take me to the movies today.
Kelso: I'm way ahead of you, Jackie. 2:00, Smokey and the Bandit.
Jackie: No. No, no, no. I told you. I don't want to see that again. I don't like the South.


 ‘Garage Sale’ Quotes

Quote from Red

Eric: Dad, you sold my car? How could you?
[The wallpaper behind Eric and Hyde is swaying as Red stares at them]
Eric: Just what in the hell were you thinking?
Red: I thought I was helping, because you're always saying how you need money.
Eric: For gas! For the car!
Hyde: Don't yell at him. To be honest, Red, we're a little disappointed.
Eric: I'm not gonna run any more errands for you, pal.
Hyde: You should've checked with us first, Red.
Eric: You know how many times I rotated those tires?
Hyde: You're not supposed to take things that aren't yours.
Eric: I had stuff in the backseat. Now that's all just gone, mister.
Hyde: Forman, it's okay.
Eric: No, it's not okay!
Hyde: Look, Red, who did you sell the car to?
Red: I sold it to a guy named... Peter. Peter... Cottontail. [sings] Hopping down the bunny trail Hippity hoppity Easter's on its way

Quote from Hyde

Kitty: Oh, Steven, I have a great idea. You could sell lemonade.
Hyde: Mrs. Forman, I've thrown a lot of rocks at kids with lemonade stands, and... Lord knows I hate a hypocrite.
Kitty: You could have a little bake sale.
Hyde: I pretty much beat up any kid selling anything.
Kitty: Steven, you could... You could just do a little table with some cookies and some brownies...
Hyde: I'm not much of... Brownies? I could make brownies. Because people love brownies!
Eric: No, they don't.
Hyde: Oh, they love my brownies.

Quote from Red

Red: You know... I'm glad the plant is closing. It frees me up to do my own thing.
Kitty: [laughs] You said, "Do my own thing!"
Midge: Oh, Red. Your own thing. That's so hip!
Bob: I love salt.
Red: I like that word, "Hip." It kinda pops, you know? Hip. Hip. Hip-puh! I can see my own mouth!
Kitty: You know what's beautiful? Fruitcake. All of the different-colored little fruits living together in one cake.
Midge: I jumped out of a cake once.
Bob: I also like sweet, but there's just something about salt.
Red: Hip. It starts to lose its meaning after a while, you know? Hip. It's not even a word.