Red Quote #444

Quote from Red in Over the Hills and Far Away

Eric: Donna loves it there. I don't know what to do.
Red: There's nothing any of us can do. We're all screwed. You think I like being stuck here nursing my lunatic wife back from the brink? Hell, no. But we can't control what happens to us. Even if, by some stroke of luck, you actually hang on to Donna eventually, she's gonna turn into that. And then, a few years later, you'll die.
Eric: Good. Thanks for the bedtime story.


 ‘Over the Hills and Far Away’ Quotes

Quote from Red

Red: Hold it, you two. Now, before we hit the road, we need to have a talk about that horrible thing that's taken over your mother.
Eric: You mean, her "change of life"?
Hyde: Thought we were calling it "the lady-parts problem."
Red: It goes by many names. Now, we're dealing with a tricky enemy here. I haven't been this frosty since Korea. And just like a commie, it can jump out and attack you at any moment.
Kitty: [o.s.] Red, honey.
Hyde: Incoming!
Eric: Retreat!

Quote from Kelso

Kelso: Hey. Wait up.
Red: What do you want?
Kelso: The explanation's pinned to my lapel.
Red: "Dear Red. Mr. Kelso and I are unable to take Michael to U.W. Here's $30 so he can go with you." Where's the 30 bucks?
Kelso: Oh, I bought this "electronical" football game.
Red: I swear to God, Kelso! You make Eric look like Einstein.
Eric: Thank you, Daddy.
Kelso: "Thank you"? Einstein was ugly.

Quote from Kelso

Red: What do you want?
Kelso: Once again, the explanation is pinned to my lapel. "Dear Mr. and Mrs. Forman, please give Michael $30 for the game you threw out the window and broke. Signed, my parents."
Kitty: [laughs]
Red: Well, you made her laugh. That's worth 30 bucks.