Fez Quote #514

Quote from Fez in The Acid Queen

Fez: Guys, guess what I just heard in the ladies' bathroom?
Eric: Fez, what were you doing in the ladies' bathroom?
Fez: Oh, spying, eating lunch, you know. I heard two girls say they did not want to go to college as virgins.
Kelso: Yeah, I caught that wave last year.
Fez: So I'm thinking, if horny virgins are dying for sex, then a-hunting horny virgins I will go.
Hyde: By the way, Fez, it's not pronounced virgin, it's pronounced vir-gin.
Fez: I thought it was virgin?
Kelso: No, no. Hyde's right. It's vir-gin.
Fez: Oh, now I will not sound stupid in front of the beautiful vir-gins.


 ‘The Acid Queen’ Quotes

Quote from Kelso

Kelso: Well, Donna, turns out Brooke doesn't like intelligent men.
Hyde: Kelso, you didn't have sex with her, man, just let it go.
Brooke: [enters] Michael, I need to talk to you.
Kelso: Yeah, about what?
Brooke: About our night together at the Molly Hatchet concert.
Kelso: [smiles] Excuse me. [to Fez] Burn! [to Donna] Burn! [to Eric] Burn! [to Jackie] Burn! [to Hyde] Burn!
[Kelso runs upstairs into the kitchen]
Kelso: [to Kitty] Burn! [to Red] Burn.
[Kelso runs out the sliding door and down the stairs back to the basement]
Kelso: Burn. We totally did it!
Brooke: Michael, I just found out I'm pregnant.
Kelso: I never touched her.

Quote from Kitty

Kitty: You know who else I like? That little fellow who plays Columbo. I just wanna give him a bath. [laughs]

Quote from Fez

Fez: Oh, hey, Jackie. Are any of your college-bound friends vir-gins?
Jackie: It's pronounced virgins, Fez.
Fez: What? But, no, but Hyde said... Oh, you magnificent bastard.
Hyde: Sorry, buddy. By the way, it's pronounced bas-tard.
Jackie: Fez, if you wanna find virgins, go where ugly girls pray to get pretty, the local House of Worship.
Fez: House of Worship? Are you sure you don't mean the House of Pies?
Jackie: No, Fez, I mean the House of Worship.
Fez: I'm going to the House of Pies.