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Quote from Kelso in Nobody's Fault But Mine

Kelso: Donna, Eric didn't cheat on you. Hyde cheated on Jackie.
Donna: What? Oh, my God.
Kelso: [high-pitched] Yeah. And he doesn't know it, but I saw him kissing this lady in the hotel.
Donna: Oh, my God. That is horrible.
Kelso: I wanna do the right thing, right? So I'm thinking that I'll just tell Jackie. And then she'll feel really bad, and I'll console her, and presto, we'll be making out topless.
Donna: No, Kelso. The thing to do is to tell Hyde that you know and then give him a chance to tell Jackie.
Kelso: I knew you'd say that. You know, just once, I want the right thing and the topless thing to be the same thing.

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