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Quote from Red in Thank You

Red: Eric, what the hell is wrong with you?
Laurie: He doesn't understand consequences, Daddy.
Red: Well, maybe he'll understand this. From now on, every time you disobey me or lie to me or do anything that pisses me off, you're gonna pay me money.
Eric: Pay you? Wait, you're fining me?
Laurie: It's like giving him tickets for being dumb.
Eric: Okay, okay. I think we're forgetting about a time-tested punishment. There's your foot. Here's my ass. Swing away.
Red: Well, it obviously doesn't work. So, for forging my name you owe me 30 bucks. [Eric hands over 30 bucks]
Laurie: Daddy, can I borrow $30?
Red: Sure, kitten. Laurie, your grandparents are sleeping in your room. So you take Eric's room, and the math whiz can ride the couch.

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