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Quote from Eric in Over the Hills and Far Away

Donna: I have a bad feeling about this weekend, Eric. Nothing good can come from us visiting different schools.
Eric: Well, yeah, but there's an upside. Two days apart? I mean, when we get together, it's gonna be electric, baby! Like a thunderstorm.
Donna: Eric, I'm serious. I mean, what if we actually end up going to different colleges? And we're apart for four years?
Eric: Well, then, come semester break, you better board up your windows. 'Cause guess what? Here comes Hurricane Eric.
Donna: Board up my windows? What are my windows? And whatever they are, wouldn't you want them open?
Eric: Hmm. Look, Donna. All I'm saying is that I think we can get through anything. We go to different schools now, and we're fine because our love is strong. Like a big, burly bear. So zip up your tent, 'cause guess what. This bear has claws.
Donna: Again, wouldn't you want my tent open?
Eric: Mmm.

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