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Quote from Red in Hyde Gets the Girl

Fez: I know I just met her, Mr. Red but I love her. She is sturdy. I want to climb her.
Red: You're just desperate to give it away, aren't you, son?
Fez: ... Yes. Yes, I am.
Red: Look. [clears throat] There are two things that you need to learn about women.
Fez: Oh, finally, the sex talk! [chuckles]
Red: First, if a woman outweighs you by 30 pounds you're in for trouble.
Fez: But I'll put on weight. I'll bridge the gap.
Red: Which brings me to my second point. When used separately, women and alcohol can be a lot of fun. [chuckles] But if you mix 'em, they can turn you into a dumbass.

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