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Quote from Kelso in Romantic Weekend

Jackie: Hey, Michael. I heard what happened with Pam. And I want you to know, that according to Cosmopolitan magazine, you're not a freak.
Kelso: Really?
Jackie: Mm-hmm. They say that, lots of times when it happens to a guy, it's not that he can't, it's just that he secretly doesn't want to.
Kelso: Okay, well, not to criticize but Cosmo's never seen Pam Macy naked.
Jackie: Michael, just think about it. Do you like Pam?
Kelso: Well, I like parts of her.
Jackie: Well, maybe that's not enough. And maybe your body's mature enough to realize that even if your brain isn't.
Kelso: Okay, well, you know, if this is about maturity then I want nothing to do with it.
Jackie: Look, Michael, don't worry, okay? When you find the girl you're meant to be with, you'll be able to do all the stuff you want. I promise.
Kelso: I hope you're right. Thanks, Jackie. [they hug] I'm back.
Jackie: What?
Kelso: Nothing. Good hug!

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