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Quote from Eric in Radio Daze

Donna: Eric, what are you doing here?
Eric: I'll tell you what I'm doing here, Donna. I'm here to say who's who and what's what to Jerry Thunder.
Donna: Eric, you can't talk to Jerry. He's on the air.
Eric: Oh. Fine. Then I guess I'll just have to wait. But let me tell you something... I'll be fuming.
Jerry Thunder: This is Jerry Thunder. [thunderclap] Signing off. And I'll see you around The Sound.
Eric: All right, whoo! Let's get Mr. Big FM Stud out here right now! Yeah, big time!
Donna: Eric, why are you being weird?
Eric: Donna, I'm gonna make a long story short. I'm here to kick a little deejay ass, so have a seat.
Barry Donovan: Hey, Donna. And this must be the boyfriend, Eric. Hi, I'm Jerry Thunder.
Eric: You're Jerry Thunder? [giggling] Well, that's just great! Check out Jerry Thunder! [laughs]
Barry Donovan: Hey, you kids, the night is young. You guys up for a game of Dungeons & Dragons? I'll let you be Mandar, the half-elf. Oh, well. Another time, perhaps. Good night.

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