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Quote from Kelso in Radio Daze

Kelso: Jackie, you know I wouldn't ask you if this wasn't important, okay? But this is an El Camino. That's Spanish for "The Camino."
Jackie: [sighs] By accepting this check, you are agreeing to two things. First, you will pay me back in full, and you will be my slave for a week.
Kelso: Meaning, like, your love slave?
Jackie: No. More like an errand boy.
Kelso: You mean, like your errand love boy?
Jackie: No. Just errands.
Kelso: Okay.
Jackie: Good. Here. Now, go get your car, and then come by my place. I need you to hold my toes apart while I paint them. [exits]
Fez: Well, errand boy you just sold your soul for a car.
Kelso: Who cares, Fez? Your soul is like an appendix. I don't even use it.

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